Wayward: self-willed; rebellious; unruly; impulsive

Monday, December 13, 2010

It's a beautiful snowy morning here in Ohio. We've had a few days of flurries and have about 5 inches of snow on the ground. The wind chill leaves us at only 8 degrees so I'm sure AGW will not be interested in building a snowman! So far Carey hasn't had any trouble getting home from work at 6 a.m. and the roads have been decent. I try not to leave the house in weather like this and I've been very successful :)

AGW has been working on potty training for 2 days now. I think she's doing a great job and actually enjoys hearing her potty "sing" when she does it! She also enjoys hours and hours of playing and ride her tractor and car in the wide-open basement. It's a good thing we have that space to let her run around and get some energy out! This week is her Christmas program at school so I'm sure I'll have pictures to post later.

HLW has overcome his inability to gain weight. He is in the 90th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight. No problems for this big boy! He is smiling and laughing more often, especially when his big sister comes around.

Carey is doing well on night float. He misses using his hands in surgery, but he seems to like the team he's working with. I still enjoy having him home (and awake) for a few hours in the afternoon. I'm not sure what rotation he's on next month, I'll update on that later.

As for me, I am learning to adjust to the great indoors. I never knew I'd look forward to days when it actually gets above freezing! I've decided that I'm going to have to get outside on days when the sun is shining, no matter what the temperature is.

Carey and I are preparing for our first Christmas without our extended family. It's definitely different for us. We're working out the details and new traditions that will stay with our family as the kids grow.

So, that's all I have for today. More pictures to come....

Thursday, December 2, 2010

So you may have noticed that I'm still MIA. I haven't quite figured out how to add blogging into my routine. We're all still alive and well (even Carey) and we're enjoying the begining of winter in Cincinnati.

We all enjoyed Carey's two week vacation but it flew by, of course. Then he had two weeks of general surgery and last night he started his month of night float. I've been dreading night float but after last night I don't think it will be so bad. AGW usually isn't awake when Carey goes to work so that was extremely upsetting for her. (He goes in at 7 pm and gets home around 7 am.) She was afraid that he would leave and not come back- she's had too many relatives do that lately :( When she realized that her daddy would be back, she was ok.

HLW is growing at supersonic speed. He is trying really hard to hold his head up so that he can see everything that is going on in our zoo. He's a very good baby and does his best to sleep as much as possible...just like his daddy :) His weight is no longer an issue, he is quickly turning into a chunky monkey! He doesn't fuss much at all, very rarely do I hear him cry. He does squeek a lot. Actually, he squeeks, grunts, and groans, constantly. I've also been hearing more and more coos as he tries to put his little thoughts into sounds for me. Oh! I just heard an adorable giggle too! Music to my ears!

AGW is also growing like a weed. She is still very tall and skinny and is turning into quite the athlete. She keeps herself very busy chasing and tormenting all of the animals, caring for her babydoll, and running in and out of the house. She and Cash spend hours exploring the furthest corners of the yard and chasing squirls. She absolutely loves going to school, although her teachers report that she is very quiet and reserved. Rarely do they hear a peep out of her. I was shocked to hear that considering how talkatiave and lively she is at home!

As for me, I am loving life. I have two perfect, precious, adorable, babies to keep me company all day! I've become excellent at letting dishes and laundry pile up just so I can play with my babies. I'm loving life :)

Only a few months late....

I've been meaning to do this for about 8 weeks now. Can you believe my precious boy is already 2 months old?

The week before Hayes was due my doctor and I scheduled the c-section because I hadn't progressed. At all. On October 6th Carey and I got up and got AGW to our pastor's house before heading to University Hospital. I had to be there at 11 to get checked in. This time everything went very smoothly and right on time. I was scheduled for surgery at 1:00 that afternoon and that's pretty much what time they took me back. I was much more alert this time so I will never forget how intimidating the OR was. Carey wasn't allowed in until after they had given me the epidural/spinal thing so I sat by myself on the bed with my bare butt hanging out while about 10 people ran around getting things ready. For the most part, no one really paid attention to me. They weren't rude by any means, I was just the next person on the table and they had a job to do. I could see all of the equipment as I sat there and thought how most people aren't awake to see how scary the OR really is. Stainless steal tools aren't exactly warm and welcoming. I just kept reminding myself of the sweet little boy that would be coming soon and that kept me from jumping down and hauling out of there!

The surgery took about 20 minutes from start to finish. I didn't feel a thing but the sound of the saw (or whatever they use) was terrible enough. It's so funny how I had such a different experience from two years earlier. Probably because I knew what to expect this time.

I heard him cry and it felt like hours before they finally brought him over for me to see. He was amazing. Perfect. Mine. But then they took him to the other side of the room where I couldn't see him! I've probably never been so anxious as I was while they were cleaning and weighing him. Those motherly instincts kicked in extra strong this time and I wanted my baby in my arms!

They put me back together and finally put HLW in my arms. We rode on my bed down the hall into a recovery room. This was very different than last time. The recovery room here isn't private. It's a large community room with privacy curtains around each patient and the nurse's desk in the middle of the room. Carey and I sat in awe of our sweet boy for a few hours while they waited for feeling to come back to my legs. It was during this time that we updated the entire world about our new addition via facebook and text message. With in the hour every family member and friend had access to several pictures of my new boy. Isn't technology amazing? Two years ago I sat in the hospital bed uploading pictures to my laptop and then emailing them to everyone. My, how things have changed :)

After recovery we went to the room where we would stay for the next two days. Carey went to pick up AGW and brought her to the hospital to see her Mommy and new brother. I don't think she knew what was coming, she was just ready to see her Mom. Carey set up her playpen and we got all of her toys out and ready. She couldn't care less about them . She stayed up until 2:00 a.m. running (literally) around the hospital room and climbing up and down from my bed. She also LOVED giving "her baby" kisses on the head and petting him! :) Finally she crashed on the tiny couch bed in her daddy's arms and slept until 10 the next morning.

So, that's the story of the birth of Hayes Lane. Luckily it was uneventful except for having a toddler stay the first night in the hospital with us!