Wayward: self-willed; rebellious; unruly; impulsive

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This morning I'll have to think fast and type faster. I have 3 fussy, coughing, snotty, babies wondering ("exploring their environment") and multiple opportunities for breakdowns.

Since I started babysitting our little friend, things have become slightly more busy, but in a different way. The kids play together for a few minutes at a time allowing me to pick up the house or do a load of laundry. I'm really enjoying the structure of our day and watching them play.

Carey is still on trauma. This week he works 5:30 a.m. to about 6:30 p.m. and is at home at night. I don't mind this week at all! As far as I can tell, there's a common trauma theme:
1. Drunk old men fall.
2. Stab and gunshot wounds.
3. Little old ladies fall.

From my observations I've learned the importance of exercise (you're totally surprised I threw that one in there, huh?) and that it is equally important to stay away from drunk old men and out of the downtown area after dark.

It's an appropriate time to mention that our Christmas decorations are officially up because from this moment on, they will continue to come down. The tree was beautiful for the hour that the kids were sleeping that day and since then, ornaments come off one by one. I've accepted that by the end of the week are tree will be naked from the waist down. It's probably best that I just replace those ornaments with edible ones (with veggies!) and maybe I'll benefit from their disappointing attempts to eat everything.

Last week we moved the kids into the same bedroom upstairs. They both sleep in Hayes' bedroom and we turned Aisley's room into another playroom. Carey put up his drum set and xylophone and we'll soon have a keyboard. It's been awesome to have a playroom upstairs for smaller toys and be able to just shut the door and play! (I stay in with them, of course!) Downstairs we have the outdoor toys and large muscle group activities. We brought in the playhouse, slide, bikes, and scooters. I'm so blessed to have such a kid-friendly house.

I just realized the sudden silence and went to inspect the situation. The two youngest were joyfully splashing in the dog water. :0

Monday, November 7, 2011

Lost thoughts

We survived!! Last week was a tough one, I can't deny it. There were lots of tears shed from us all. Carey got through nights on Trauma call without being the "black cloud of death". I had a particularly challenging week because of the lack of sleep and lack of husband. He came home around 10:00 most mornings (although it's ten now and I haven't heard a word from him) and he slept to about 4:00 pm. He got up in time to take a shower, eat dinner, and run off to the hospital again. It's s.....

I started that last Monday......

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

We're hanging in there!

This is just a little sneak peak of what's to come. I still can't find the usb cord for my camera (have any of you seen it?) so I'll have to take my camera in and have the pictures downloaded to cds.

It's been a rough few days here at the Watson house. My family lost 2 loved ones on Sunday and we're all trying to make sense of everything. My heart breaks because I'm so far away and can't be there to help them. I know that your prayers will be greatly appreciated as they seek peace and understanding.

Carey is beginning nights on the trauma service (eek!) and is a little nervous about adjusting to this exhausting and fast-paced rotation. I'll do my best to keep up with trauma updates.

I am babysitting 3 days a week and having an extra 18 month old is keeping me on my toes. I'm actually able to get more done as AGW and HLW are preoccupied with their new playmate. But I earn my money with that extra mouth to feed and diapers to change. So far we all 3 really enjoy our new little companion and would love to keep her around for a while.

Fall has brought back my interest in rearranging and repurposing. I'm in the process of building cornice boards for the windows, changing an old radio cabinet into a pantry, and hope to begin a dollhouse from Santa very soon. I'm also excited to get back to a consistent running program tomorrow. Tis the season, after all.

AGW sat through a sermon with her Daddy a few weeks ago and heard lots about marriage and relationships. Since then she has been dressing me up to get married to her, deciding whether to marry Daddy or Hayes, and explaining to me about the baby growing in her tummy. I'm thinking this may also have something to do with her Uncles Monte and Cody getting married and Aunt Crystal having a growing tummy. ;)

Hayes Lane is getting FOUR teeth on top! They finally broke through and explain the 4 a.m. cuddle sessions lately. Poor guy. I caught him yesterday attempting to "jump" and you can imagine how that ended. He waddles everywhere he goes these days but still has to pull up to standing. I'm sure he'll figure out how to stand from sitting in a day or two and my little baby will no longer need his Momma to help him at all. How did this year pass so quickly? Where did my little ones go?