Wayward: self-willed; rebellious; unruly; impulsive

Friday, September 24, 2010


Today AGW and I walked to school. In two year old footsteps, its about a 17 minute walk. She has brand new, white and pink tennis shoes that make her really fast. So fast that she can run like the leaves blowing in the wind. She's loving the fall breeze and how it blows through her hair. She tilts her head back, squints into the sun, throws her arms wide, and runs fast just loving how the breeze feels through her hair. Last year she didn't have long hair and she couldn't run down the side walk without falling, so this is a beautiful and new experience for her. I love watching it.

We were just a few minutes early for preschool so we waited in the hall with several other parents and classmates. The very moment that the door opened AGW took off running to the classroom. No hug. No goodbye. Not even a glance back at me. The teacher looked up at me surprised and I stood in shock. I actually had to think to myself "Ok. This is a good thing. She is comfortable here. She likes school. She's independent. You have to accept this and leave. You need to make your legs move." Ouch. She was the first one in the door and she took off sprinting to get there. She's eager to grow, learn, explore, establish Independence, and interact with kids. She is already starting to cut ties from her Momma. I wasn't prepared for this. I thought they would be dependant and need you for a while longer. She's only two, how can she already want to start separating from me? I can see that I'm beginning a new chapter in life now. One that I will battle with for the rest of my life: letting go of my baby. I'm so glad I have the rest of my life to establish new bonds with her because this letting go business is difficult. :)

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