Wayward: self-willed; rebellious; unruly; impulsive

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I'm bored. Can you believe that? Not that I don't have plenty to do, I just don't want to do it. AGW is upstairs playing with her babies and HLW is beside me chewing on a bottle and rubbing his feet all over Emma. He's content for the moment. Carey is on call. He's on call 3 Saturdays in a row which means he works Monday-Friday 6 a.m.-??? p.m. then he goes in early Saturday morning and comes home sometimes Sunday. There's no day off. For a month. For either of us. He's bored too. Not much is going on in this rotation. He said he feels like a glorified medical student. He's doing the same things as he did then. Yesterday he stood for 7 hours just retracting. So...we're bored. It's still too cool to get the babies outside much, but I think spring is near! Trees are blooming and flowers are sprouting. I'm so ready to get out and get the kiddos out! That's all for now. Hopefully more to come soon!

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