Wayward: self-willed; rebellious; unruly; impulsive

Friday, July 23, 2010

lake, Cash

Yesterday when Carey got off of his long shift he felt good enough (not great though) to head to the lake. We loaded up the dogs, AGW, and all of our gear and spent a few hours in the water. I've decided that we have to do these little things, even for just an hour or two, to remain sane. It's easy to just sit at home and not do anything but rest. I'm not good at that and AGW shouldn't have to miss out on all of the simple and fun things in life because of her daddy's schedule. So, as often as we can, we get out and experience the city. Tomorrow we are going to have this group of new residents over for a little cookout. I decided that if we keep waiting until the house is finished, we'll never have anyone over. Even though the bathroom is multicolored, only 1 wall in the bedroom is painted, and AGW's room STILL needs another coat on the trim, we will show our home off with pride. Besides, I'll soon be stuck inside and will be forced to tackle those projects! So today I'll be busy cleaning and preparing a menu for our new friends. Hopefully tomorrow won't be as hot as today and we'll be able to enjoy our friends in our backyard. We came home to a package on the doorstep. I said "oohh Aisley! Did you get a birthday present from Pops?" She excitedly respond "Yes! A book!" "That must be a big book" I questioned and she explained "Yep! A Bible!!!". How funny is she? :) Poor Cash got into something last week. I'm pretty sure that whatever it was, it won! He is all better now!

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