I'm a first time Mom. It's brought to my attention that "I ain't seen nothin yet" and "you just wait til she's a teenager" on a regular basis. So I'm learning everyday. Lots about AGW and lots about myself. Tonight I gained a new perspective on Valentine's Day. I only needed 12 Valentine's cards for AGW's party tomorrow. As I was finishing up the last few it occured to me that she's only one. She will never know that her daddy picked out the cards because he knew she would love them (puppy dogs and kitty cats, of course!) and she'll never know that I took the time to tear off an accompanying sticker and tuck it into the slots of each little card. These are the little things that we do out of love for our children. It made me appreciate the millions of little things that all of my parents did that I will never know of. Including hand write hundreds of thank you's, birthday invitations, and Valentine's cards. If my heart-felt appreciation isn't enough to make all of those little things worth it, knowing that "I ain't seen nothin yet" will surely bring a smile to your faces this Valentine's Day!
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