Wayward: self-willed; rebellious; unruly; impulsive

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Already checked out....

I've stopped worrying about where we are going. I even stopped worrying about our next house. I already moved in, sort of. You see, I'm at a stand-still in this house. If I pack up anything else Carey might flip (he says he has other things to do first. Imagine that!) Plus I'm running out of room in the garage. By packing, I mean taking things out to the garage and piling them as high as possible. So I went ahead and checked out of this house and into my new house.

Most people have inspiration folders or even notebooks. I have an inspiration suitcase. I've decided to share some of my favorite inspiration rooms and hopefully in the years to come I'll be able to to mix and match and create our own!
I started with AGW. Her new bedroom is so much fun!


I also started dreaming about the nursery!

And finally, just a few ideas for the playroom. I really hope we get one!

So yes, I've been useless tonight. But it was fun dreaming! Hopefully I'll know more about our rank list next week. Carey has pushed everything except anatomy from his mind this week and is focusing on his wrapping up this block tomorrow. He plans on working on the bathroom a little this weekend and starts Geriatrics next week. Should be exciting!

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