Wayward: self-willed; rebellious; unruly; impulsive

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Today is my birthday. I'm 28 and loving it. It's going to be a fabulous year and I'm off to a fabulous start.

Well actually, I wasn't off to a fabulous start this morning. I was suppose to have my last doctor appointment at 8:45. In order to get into the city, find a spot in the parking garage, and get to the 8th floor on time, I would have to leave by 8:00. I woke up at 8:05. I jumped out of bed and into the shower before I realized that I could never wake my toddler, get us both dressed, and out the door in time to make it. So I got back in bed and called the doctor's office. I was put on hold long enough to fall back to sleep with the phone to my ear and finally around 8:45 I made a new appointment for later in the afternoon. Then I went back to sleep. Again.

My sweet baby girl must have been exhausted too. She let me sleep until 10:30! It was wonderful! Together we enjoyed a birthday breakfast of biscuits and budda (butter) and then played outside for a while.

On the way to the doctor's office I tried to prepare myself for "bad" news. I wanted to hear "Oh wow! This baby is coming today!" :) but instead, I got the "bad" news. "Bad" news is that there is no progress. Zero. Zip. Nada. So we are scheduled for a c-section next Wednesday, October 6th at 1:00 p.m. This isn't really "bad" news, it's God's way of saying "hey! I'm in charge here and I know best". Good thing because I would probably screw it up if I had my way.

So now I am busy planning and preparing for the surgery. We're deciding what to do with AGW during the afternoon of the surgery, how to get her to preschool for pictures, and how to pick up my mom from the airport. It's kind of difficult to make arrangements when I don't know Carey's schedule. I have no idea if he's even off on Wednesday and Thursday, but I'm going to assume that he is. You know what assuming does...

I'm working on getting everything ready at the house so that my Mom has it as easy as possible during the 2-3 days that she's home with AGW while I'm still at the hospital. I'm also working on a list of activities that AGW can do with me while I'm sitting and recovering. You can clearly see that I'm planning and scheduling and preparing as usual. I'm fully aware that things don't usually goes as planned, but it helps me to feel like I have some control of the situation.

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