Wayward: self-willed; rebellious; unruly; impulsive

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Christmas with toddlers

So, how's your Christmas shopping going? Is anyone else torn to pieces this time of year when it comes to spending and giving? You'd think after all of my ranting about the poverty crises of the world, that I wouldn't have much of a battle, but I do. I really do. I LOVE giving gifts. I especially love giving them to a rotten pair of toddlers around here. But about 5o thousand times a day I kick, trip over, and sit on, an abundance of toys. Check the crevasses of my couch and you’ll find a dozen pet shop critters, handfuls of legos, and a remote or two. All of this along with the mounds of toys in the basement and closets prove that we DO NOT need any more toys. And yet…there will be toys for Christmas. Unless Aisley gets her way and Santa brings her a white pony. (Dear Santa, she’s already got a white pony. See picture below.)

Fortunately for me, the grandparents are all awesome gift givers. That leaves only a few things for us to give from Santa. This year Santa is bringing the Let’s Play School Doll from Nenuco and Alphie the learning robot. Santa and the grandparents will undoubtedly score major points as Aisley is now old enough to realize that Mom and Dad only added to the book collection. So lame.

This year I’ve decided to involve the kids in the thrill of giving gifts by hanging a few extra stockings on the mantel. Aisley will have the privilege of praying for and filling the stocking of her sponsored friend from Ethiopia; Elsie, the sweet little lady across the street; and our dear friend Ron, a special needs man we adore from a block over. She’ll pick out a sweet treat and small gift for each of the neighbors and several tiny treasures to send to Ethiopia. These aren’t big tasks, but hopefully over time she’ll create Christmas memories that are Christ centered instead of self centered. What are some ways you teach the true meaning of Christmas to your toddlers?

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